

D8.6 Dissemination plan

The purpose of this deliverable is to present the dissemination plan of the ADEPTNESS project over the project’s duration.
This deliverable is a guideline that will specify project items to be communicated, target audience, timing and means of communication (e.g., newsletter, public event) for each communication item specified.

Read the D8.6: Dissemination plan deliverable

D1.2 Microservice Interfaces definition

This document shows the approach followed to define the microservices APIs and architecture for the Adeptness project. The document starts with an introduction to microservices architectures and their applicability in Adeptness, following with the definition of the common interface that has been designed for all the Adeptness microservices. In the next section, the definition of the APIs, communications, and interactions for each of the subsystems and microservices that conform the Adeptness architecture takes place. Finally, guidelines for including microservices not included in the initial Adeptness architecture are provided.

Read the D1.2: Microservices interface definition deliverable

Download the D1.2 Interface specifications